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UberWorks News

Uber has been one of the leading companies employing Americans in the U.S in recent years. From being one of the first rideshare apps to transitioning over to Uber Freight, the company continues to be innovative while staying above the curve with trends. Just recently, they announced their launch of Uber Works. This app allows Uber to match temporary workers looking for shift work with businesses looking to fill gaps in their rosters.

This app is going to be a game-changer for Chicago, which is the company headquarters. The company has currently been testing out the app under the radar, in Chicago and will begin a trial in Los Angeles, if all goes well.

Uber plans to partner with staffing agencies like Trueblue, one of the largest industrial staffing firms in the U.S, to hire qualified candidates. Although Uber Works will be working with the largest staffing agency in America, it will still be competing with other staffing firms like Wonolo. Wonolo is an on-demand staffing platform launched five years ago and backed by Bain Capital Ventures and Sequoia.

Uber Chief Executive, Dara Khosrowshahi, recently said that he wants the app to be an “a one-click gateway to everything that Uber can offer.” Including food, ride-sharing, scooters, e-bikes, and even helicopters. Uber recently said in a blog post, that they want to make it easier to find temporary shifts for work like bartending, warehouse work, and commercial cleaning.

The Uber Works app will allow users to get detailed information about shifts they’re interested in and will enable them to clock in and out and log breaks. The app will also let job seekers get information about pay, work location and the required attire for the role Uber wants this new addition to its company to expand on its technology efforts when it comes to recruiting. Comment on their site in regards to the app says, “We believe technology can help workers feel more confident and empowered when it comes to finding shifts. We are excited to build technology that can reduce the pain points workers experience each day.”

To do things right, we believe we need to take a partnership approach. That’s why Uber Works has partnered with staffing agencies, including TrueBlue, who employ, pay and handle worker benefits. Uber Works is also committed to delivering services that support skill up-leveling and promote work re-entry. They are partnering with various organizations that support workers in their employment journey.

Focusing on the company’s marketplace technology, Uber plans to solve pain points, in connecting workers with businesses. To learn more, please visit

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